
紧急情况下, 你可能需要改变你的课程安排和教学方法,以适应延长的校园关闭.

准备一个备用计划来教授你的课程可以帮助你在紧急情况下保持课程的顺利进行. 通过确定满足教学目标所需的基本要素并准备添加额外的材料来开始你的计划, 活动, 和工具,如果需要在可能的关闭.

如需协助,请联络 远程和在线学习中心 电话:(518)629-7070或 dlhelp@yingla.net 寻求帮助、服务. 更多信息.


  • Download your class lists and student contact information from 《正规博彩平台》杂志 or Brightspace.
  • 在学期开始的时候, 给你的学生发一封欢迎邮件,包括你的联系信息,或者在你的Brightspace课程中提供.
  • 提醒学生查看他们的学院邮件或在Brightspace上的课程公告,以便学院和你及时沟通.
  • Consider having your students participate in an online office hour via Zoom.
  • Have a copy of the syllabus or other course materials available for download via Brightspace, Office 365, 或者网络驱动器.
  • 是否有可访问的课程资料备份.
  • Consult with the 远程和在线学习中心 for training or ideas.
  • 使用 教员核对表:我的连续性计划(PDF) to identify your plan, as well as training and assistance needs in advance.


从一开始就在所有班级建立沟通策略将有助于在紧急情况下保持连续性. Staying connected with students will avoid confusion and stress. Importantly, Title IV requires regular and substantive 交互 in online course delivery. Here are some ways to prepare for continuity of communication from the first day of class.

  • Establish frequent and timely communications at the start of class.
  • Set expectations and identify processes for communication with students.
  • 管理通信负载的方法:
    Determine what tool(s) you will use for communications and what would be most efficient. Email may become overwhelming if you receive many individual requests. Consider using a discussion forum in Brightspace such as an Ask the Prof. 或常见问题,并考虑设置订阅,这样当有人发帖时,你和学生就可以通过电子邮件收到通知.


如何远程通信更新, 及时向部分或所有学生提供有关HVCC的信息, 类, 他们的工作和年级状况?

  • HVCC电子邮件: 所有教师, 工作人员, and students at 哈德逊山谷社区学院 have email accounts and use Outlook. 电子邮件是官方沟通渠道之一,教师应经常查看, 工作人员, 与学生联系,了解与学院服务中断有关的任何紧急情况和最新情况.
  • Brightspace电子邮件工具: Send emails to individual students, groups of students, or the entire class. You can send emails from the Envelope icon on the Brightspace menu bar.
  • Brightspace公告工具: 在Brightspace的每个班级中及时发布信息,并以电子邮件通知的形式发送给学生. 该公告将保留在课程中,直到删除,为学生提供单一来源. You can control its visibility by using date restrictions as needed.
  • 使用Brightspace评分的反馈和状态: Display grades to students by manually entering grades into columns, 显示Brightspace分级活动的分数, and providing feedback to students through comments and annotations. 学生可以在计算机或设备上的任何课程的成绩菜单栏中访问他们的成绩视图.


  • Brightspace讨论: 讨论工具提供了线程讨论论坛,允许参与者创建一个线程或响应一个现有的线程,使其成为一个简单和有组织的书面讨论,供其他人阅读和关注. 该工具提供了多方位, 异步通信, 交互, 以及Brightspace课程中的协作空间. 这些也可以分级.
  • 万事皆: You can use this tool for asynchronous discussions that combine audio, video, and 文本. 这个工具可以在Brightspace的内容模块中找到,使用Existing Activities. Create voice-over, video, or annotations using a computer, phone, or a device. 这也可以分级.
  • 优佳视频平台: YuJa是一个易于使用的视频创作和分享平台,具有强大的视频内容可访问性支持. It also has features for student engagement with quizzing, analytics, 和更多的.

How can I have a whole class, live, robust discussions during my usual class time?

  • 缩放: A web conferencing tool that allows many individuals to join the same meeting in real-time. Features include screen sharing, 演讲 modes, and the ability to record. 在内容的工具区域访问Brightspace内的缩放,或直接从HVCC缩放网站.
  • Office 365: 比如谷歌文档, Office 365共享文档允许您一起实时处理文档以进行头脑风暴, 解决问题, 团队合作. Commenting features extend the communication between you and your students. 所有教职员工和学生都可以通过校园网站或直接访问Office 365 http://login.microsoftonline.com/




  • 缩放: A web conferencing tool that allows many individuals to join the same meeting in real-time. Features include screen sharing, 演讲 modes, and the ability to record. 在内容的工具区域访问Brightspace内的缩放,或直接从HVCC缩放网站.

万事皆, Zoom或YuJa所需的设备

  • A computer, tablet, or mobile device and a good Internet connection
  • 可选:手写笔和触摸屏
  • 带麦克风的耳机/耳塞(推荐)
  • 网络摄像头(如果你想让学生看到你,可选)


What tools are available for me to shift my 讲座内容 to pre-recorded video?

  • 优佳视频平台: YuJa是一个易于使用的视频创作和分享平台,具有强大的视频内容可访问性支持. It also has features for student engagement with quizzing, analytics, 和更多的.
  • 万事皆: 一个工具,允许您记录幻灯片显示使用PPT, 视频, 图片, 文档, 或者链接到外部媒体, 添加视频, 文本, 或者音频评论, 给幻灯片做注释. 您可以将其设置为需要查看的作业,或者只是问问题,看看他们有什么. 学生s can reply with video, audio, or 文本 responses, both to you and to each other.


  • A computer, tablet, or mobile device and a good Internet connection
  • 带麦克风的耳机/耳塞(推荐)
  • 网络摄像头(如果你想让学生看到你,可选)





  • Brightspace评估工具: Brightspace测试构建工具允许您创建使用多种问题类型(选择题)的测试, 多个答案, T/F, 文章, 简短的回答, 匹配, 订购, 和更多). 您可以在Brightspace中创建问题,或者从Respondus或publisher中导入测试问题. 也, 你可以给每个问题分配分值, set up random sets of questions to produce different individual tests for students, 设置一个测试来计时, 和更多的. 考试结果记录在成绩记录本上, and some question types allow for automatic grading through Brightspace, 而另一些则要求教师手动评分. 您还可以向学生提供答案反馈,以确定他们是否可以立即获得或稍后交付.
  • Respondus: 这是一个创建和管理考试的强大工具,可以直接发布到学习管理系统或打印在纸上. 你可以转换你的文本文件(Word, 富文本, (文本)测试文件, 有或没有Respondus格式的图像,并使用一些基本的格式结构轻松地将测试上传到Brightspace. There is only a PC version, so Mac users will need to get access to a PC. Respondus可以在整个校园使用,也可以在家里下载到你的电脑上使用. Submit a help request to get access to the download instructions and key.
  • 出版商和OER资源: 发行商通常允许您从他们的资源站点下载Test Bank文件,这些文件可以导入并在Brightspace中使用. Or, 出版商/OER提供者可能在他们自己的学习管理系统环境中有可用的测试工具(McGraw-Hill), Cengage, 皮尔森, 流明, 等.). 一些发布者提供可以转换为Respondus文件并上传的Word文档.

我该如何管理作文, 演讲, 解决问题, 口头, 或基于项目的考试或作业?

  • 亮度分配工具: 学生可以很容易地提交书面课程作业,并且可以在作业中附加标题工具. 学生s can type within a 文本 submission box to answer assignment questions, 或者他们可以附加完成工作的文件. 他们还可以从云存储(如Google Drive)导入数据. You can also attach any instructional files or worksheets you want them to download, 完整的, 通过上传提交. 提交的文件可以在评分时进行注释. 最后, 通过成绩册, 您可以看到谁提交了工作, 给作业打分, 并向学生提供反馈. 还有一个小组作业的选项.
  • Turnitin分配工具: 这是教师和学生使用的学术抄袭检测器,以避免抄袭和支持学术诚信. 提交通过抄袭检测软件和原创性报告生成, allowing for learning and discussion opportunities for you and your students. Turnitin是Brightspace的LTI,允许您和您的学生在Brightspace内验证和访问Turnitin网站,以无缝地提交作业. 支持评分活动的其他工具是可用的.
  • Office365共享文档: 教师 and student 文档 can be shared in OneDrive and worked on simultaneously. Office365 Forms应用程序有一个测验模板. 可以创建课堂笔记本来共享内容或处理项目,以便作为一个小组提交. 所有教师, 工作人员 and students have access to Office365 on the HVCC web site.
  • 期刊: If interested in journaling, the Brightspace discussion forums can be used as a journal tool. Contact the 远程和在线学习中心 for more information.
  • 万事皆: is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add 图片, 文档, 和视频, 其他用户也可以添加语音, 文本, 音频文件, 或者视频评论. You can assign students to Create a 万事皆 (great for 演讲s), 评论一个万事皆(他们观看你分配和评论的视频)或观看一个万事皆(跟踪学生是否观看视频). 可以分级.
  • 缩放: A web conferencing tool that allows many individuals to join the same meeting in real-time. 您可以使用它来查看学生项目, 评估语言技能, 查看学生报告, and have students demonstrate their knowledge in real-time on video. Features include screen sharing, 演讲 modes, and the ability to record. Access Zoom inside Brightspace in the content modules through Existing Activities, 然后是外部学习工具, 选择缩放.
  • 出版商或OER评估环境: These are useful sources for assessment 活动 and testing. They provide a variety of assessment options that can be used for written, 亲自动手的, or simulation assignments that assess students’ knowledge and performance. Many of these exist outside of Brightspace so they can be accessed directly. 有关出版商资源,请与您的代表联系. For OER resources check with the OER Librarian at the Marvin 图书馆.



  • 提前准备: 研讨会, 全年都可以为教师提供完全在线和网络增强课程的教程和一对一预约. 在线培训和支持材料也可用. 培训 and workshop schedules will be announced and posted on HVCC web site, but feel free to call for additional times and individual consultations.
  • Be ready with media tools so you can quickly switch over in an emergency: YuJa视频平台培训, 万事皆, and other synchronous and asynchronous tools are available year-round. 培训 and workshop schedules will be announced and posted on HVCC web site, but feel free to call for additional times and individual consultations.
  • If you need to work or train from home due to a school shut-down: 可根据需要远程安排紧急替代交付的及时培训. Existing training and support materials are available on the 远程和在线学习支持知识库. 在线 training courses are available online and you can be added at any time.




有规律: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
夏季2024小时(5月20日至7月26日): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
